I am thrilled to report the first sister circle I’ve hosted in years was a complete success. We snacked on nourishing whole foods and homegrown herbal tea. We relaxed into meditation and got to know one another. Then we dug our hands into some red clay as we dug into a deep discussion about safety and stability.
For us, there was an overarching theme that we all derive our sense of safety and stability from the trust we have in our own power and health, the boundaries and routines we set, the support we have around us and trusting the universe itself has our backs.
We can’t venture out of our comfort zones to grow and evolve unless we feel this sense of safety and trust first. Real growth and blossoming begins by being rooted firmly in the nourishing soil of trust and support. Not all of us grew up in homes where we felt safe, both on physical and emotional levels. This can make it hard as adults to figure out how to develop the stability we’ve always needed.
Intentionally surrounding ourselves with gentle people who are open-minded, motivated to care for themselves and those around them, and who model a lifestyle of growth and natural-living can provide that support network we need to stay on the path of self-care. That’s exactly why I host these groups in the first place.
For those who are interested in taking part in the next circle on June 13th, 7:30-9:30 or working with me one-on-one, sign up on my website. The next circle's theme is focused on playfulness and spontaneity and how we can bring more of it into our lives.
Even if you weren't able to make it to this circle, you can still participate by taking a few deep breaths and saying the following affirmations aloud:
I am stable.
I am relaxed in this moment.
My needs will always be met.
I have a healthy body, a healthy mind, and an abundant life.
I am supported by the universe.
The universe will always support me and show me where to go next.
I deserve and receive support whenever I need it.
I am secure and content.
My roots are grounded.
My spirit is playful
I trust my gut
My heart is open
I speak my truth
My eyes are clear
My mind is free
I am connected to all.